How Joints Work Joints allow for movement and shock absorption. Think of how your fingers bend when you hold a pen or a fork. The cartilage on the ends of the bones in your fingers allow for that movement in the joints to be smooth and pain free. And, when you jump off a curb,
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How Trigger Point Injections (TPI) Can Help Relieve Pain
What is a Trigger Point? When muscle tissue becomes tight, it can develop points of hyperirritability called trigger points. Trigger points can usually be felt as nodules or knots in the taut bands of muscle fiber. What makes this different from an ordinary muscle knot is that a trigger point can trigger pain in other
Read MoreWhen to Treat Your Bone & Joint Pain, Before it Gets Worse
Each day, we see countless commercials on television touting the benefits of pain medications like Tylenol for arthritis and other aches. But rather than simply popping a pill to mask the problem, isn’t it important to dig deeper and discover what’s really ailing you? Anyone can experience musculoskeletal pain; and while there are many causes,
Read MoreHow an Advanced Walk In Clinic Can Reduce Your Stress During Surgery
Stress and Surgery Stress is created when some external force in the environment places demands on an individual that they feel is greater than they can cope with. This perception can have psychological, emotional and physical effects on the human body. In addition to nervousness, moods swings, and/or emotional outbursts, actual physical changes occur when
Read MorePreventing Degenerative Joint Disease of the Cervical Spine
Osteoarthritis and DJD of the Cervical Spine The facet joints of the spine are what enable it to be flexible. Two of these facets, which are made of hard but smooth cartilage surrounded by a capsule and lubricated by synovial fluids, are located behind each vertebra and allow the forward, backward, and twisting motion of
Read MoreOrthopedic Care for Osteoporosis
You are at a museum and see a real skeleton or fossil of a tyrannosaurus rex (T-Rex) dinosaur. While examining and reading about it, you may think to yourself that all bones are dead and extinct, just like the dinosaur itself. Although the bones in museums may be dry, hard, or crumbly, the bones in
Read MoreWe are Built around You: Get Quick Care at our walk in clinic
As doctor’s, we understand that illnesses and injuries don’t always occur during our regular business hours. They often happen unexpectedly, and you are not always able to be prepared when they do occur. For this reason, our practice offers an urgent care or walk-in clinic with after hours, offering our patients to be seen on
Read MoreWhy Bone and Joint Health are so Important for Seniors?
Hilda was 68 years old when she fell on her porch. Her daughter took her straight to see her family physician. Fortunately, the doctor told her nothing was broken. She would be sore for a few days, but other than a few bruises she was going to be just fine. Her doctor explained to her
Read MoreHealing from Rotator Cuff Repair
The Rotator Cuff The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint with the head of the humerus (upper arm bone) sitting inside the joint. The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles that are attached by their tendons to the humerus and form a cuff around the top of this bone, functioning to both
Read MoreWhat is Quick Care at Advanced Bone & Joint?
Imagine it is a normal Tuesday morning. You are jogging and miss a step. The next thing you know, you are sitting on the grass holding your ankle, which is not only painful, it is swollen. You are pretty sure it is a sprain. Now what do you do? Do you call your primary care
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