A knee has four ligaments that keep it stable. An injury to any of the ligaments, whether it’s the ACL, PCL, MCL, or LCL, is called a sprain. A knee sprain is often the result of a sudden pivoting motion while playing sports. It can also develop due to a direct blow to the knee,
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Timeline for Hand Surgery Recovery
The amount of time it takes to recover from hand surgery varies from one patient to another, and it depends on the type of surgery performed and the underlying cause of the hand condition. In addition, your overall health condition before the surgery can also affect your recovery. Recovery from hand surgery usually takes several
Read MoreFoot and Ankle Exercises for Injury Recovery
Exercises after sustaining a foot and ankle injury can help restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion and slowly ease your return to daily activities. However, you should first make sure that your injury has indeed healed and that you only exercise safely. Before starting any foot and ankle exercises for injury recovery, it’s best
Read MoreWhen to Visit a Podiatrist for Bunion Treatment
Our feet serve a critical purpose in keeping us active and mobile. Unfortunately, many of us don’t give them a second thought and neglect to take care of them until an issue develops. An example of this is bunions. A bunion is a protrusion that develops on the outside of the big toe. Put your
Read MoreHow to Avoid the Most Common Sports Injuries
The most frequently occurring sports injuries as reported by doctors are sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. Even if you don’t play a sport but you do live a fairly active lifestyle, then you are prone to these injuries. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to reduce your risk of injury. It is important
Read MoreTop Ten Advantages of Having a Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement
The hip joint is located where the pelvis and the thigh bone meet and is one of the body’s largest weight-bearing joints. If you’re suffering from hip pain and have tried treatment methods like medications, injections, and physical therapy to no avail, it may be time to consider hip replacement surgery. During hip replacement surgery,
Read MoreIs MAKOplasty a Good Choice for My Hip Replacement?
Joint replacement surgery is a big ordeal – but thanks to the new minimally invasive techniques like MAKOplasty, even a full hip replacement can be performed on an outpatient basis. In MAKOplasty, the surgeon utilizes robotic technology for pinpoint accuracy in removing diseased tissue and replacing it with prosthetic materials. This technology requires much smaller
Read MoreThe Link Between Your Back and Knee Pain
Every part of your body has a special and unique function, but each part relies on others for optimal performance. When your body is functioning well, you feel invincible. When you are falling short due to an injury or illness, it’s hard to function. The same is true with many interacting body parts. One connection,
Read MoreWeight Training and Knee Injuries
Getting into a weight training program is great for your heart and other muscles, but it puts you at risk of injuries – particularly knee injuries. When you lift weights, you are placing a lot of extra pressure on your knees, because they must not only support your body’s weight but also the weights you’re
Read MoreTop Causes of Foot and Ankle Swelling
If you notice swelling in your foot and ankle, pay close attention to your symptoms. Is the swelling spreading above your ankle? Is it worse in the morning or evening? What makes the swelling go down? Answers to these questions will provide useful information to your doctor in determining the root cause of your swelling
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