Surviving a car accident or developing debilitating arthritis may leave you with chronic pain and mobility issues. Sometimes, it even takes a while for physical problems to appear after an injury. Joint pain can make the simplest tasks difficult, such as walking, going up and down the stairs – even sitting. The good news is
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Benefits of a Healthy Weight
Regardless of a person’s age, gender, or existing medical condition, there are two things doctors tell nearly every patient: (1) eat a balanced diet, and (2) get plenty of exercise. Doing these two things helps to ensure that a person is within their healthy weight range. Maintaining a healthy weight benefits the body in so
Read MoreBenefits of Epidural Steroid Injections
Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) deliver anti-inflammatory medication into the epidural space of the spine in order to soothe inflammation and pain. This method helps relieve inflammation that originates in the spine and radiates to the lower back, hips, or leg. This treatment is particularly helpful in relieving pain caused by a herniated disc in the
Read MoreDegenerative Disc Disease
While much evidence exists proving that people who stay physically active feel better longer, the trade-off is that active adults often suffer from overuse-type injuries at a greater rate. One such overuse or age-related condition is degenerative disc disease. While this is actually a normal condition, not an actual disease, the age-related and repetitive injury-related
Read MoreWhy You Need an Orthopedist for Diabetic Foot Care
Living with diabetes means taking extra care of your health. It means you have to watch what you eat, exercise regularly, and take your medications. Smoking, sugary foods, and inactivity should be avoided. In addition, there is one thing that diabetics also have to deal with, and it has to do with their feet. One
Read MoreRisk Factors for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease that reduces the density of bones, causing them to become weak. The inside of a healthy, dense bone resembles a tight honeycomb. A bone belonging to a person with osteoporosis resembles a honeycomb with significantly larger holes. When the condition progresses, the bones become less dense and the holes in them get larger.
Read MoreCauses of Compression Fractures?
If you feel like you are getting shorter as you age, you may be right! And the cause may not be poor posture (although it can be a part of it). The reason why you may be losing the high ground could very well be the result of a compression fracture. Here’s what they are
Read MoreIs It Sciatica or Muscle Spasms?
Back pain, and lower back pain especially, is a common problem, particularly in adults over the age of 40. The strain of staying upright – standing, sitting for long periods, and doing any type of physical activity for too long or in wrong form – can eventually lead to a stiff and painful back. But
Read MoreThe Benefits of a Back Brace
To wear or not to wear? That is the question when deciding whether a back brace will relieve your pain or stiffness, and/or correct a back problem. Some patients with back problems are reluctant to wear a brace because they fear they may become dependent and have to wear it all the time. Others believe
Read MorePreventing Throwing Injuries
Sports injuries involving the arm and shoulder are among the most common orthopedic problems. They’re also among the most preventable. Take, for example, rotator cuff and other shoulder and elbow injuries resulting from repeatedly throwing a baseball. Most of these injuries can be avoided by following these commonsense rules: Don’t Throw Too Much This may
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