Neck pain, although common for men and women to experience throughout their lifetimes, can oftentimes be frustrating. As time goes on, neck pain can be a debilitating condition for patients. Don’t let neck pain to get in the way of you living your life to the fullest. That’s why we put together a physician’s guide
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Effective Chronic Pain Management Tips
Chronic pain can take a toll on a person and get in the way of their ability to live their lives to the fullest extent possible.When it comes to managing your chronic pain, there are several remedies you can try at home that can provide you with the relief you’re looking for. Our experts put
Read MoreWhat Do Sports Medicine Physicians Work On?
If you have been injured during sports play, you may want to consider a sports medicine physician to provide you with the expert care you need to get back in the game. The role of a sports medicine physician is to treat and prevent a wide range of sports and physical activity-related injuries and conditions,
Read MoreThe Importance of Podiatric Care
We use our feet and ankles on a daily basis. Whether they’re supporting the weight of our bodies while we stand in line at the grocery store or when we propel our bodies forward during a morning jog, our feet and ankles work endlessly to ensure we are mobile and active. That being said, the
Read MoreStages of Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Injuries can sideline anyone who plays sports, from professionals to weekend warriors. It is vital to ensure that athletes return to their peak performance quickly, safely, and with minimal risk of re-injury. To achieve that, these patients must undergo a recovery process with several stages. Sports injury rehabilitation is a multi-step process. The goal is
Read MoreWhat a Podiatrist Can Do for You If You Have Foot Arthritis
As the name suggests, foot arthritis affects the feet and ankles. Osteoarthritis, or the wearing and tearing of joint cartilage, is the most common type affecting these body parts. The other arthritis variants that typically affect the feet are rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis. These conditions are serious and can lead to pain, stiffness, and
Read More8 Ways To Precisely Describe Your Pain To Your Doctor
Pain is one of the most significant driving factors as to why patients visit doctors. However, it can be difficult to express precisely what kind of pain you are experiencing. There are no tests to reveal exactly what you’re feeling, which is why doctors rely heavily on patient descriptions. Here are eight tips to help
Read MoreWhat to Expect During the First Month of Joint Replacement Recovery
Joint replacement surgery is a major procedure that can have a huge impact on your life. It can also be intimidating, as it’s difficult to know what to expect during the recovery process. Just know that there is an over 90 percent success rate for knee and hip replacements – two of the most common
Read MoreWhen to Visit a Sports Medicine Clinic for a SLAP Tear
The shoulder joint is one of the most complex and frequently used joints in the body. From the biggest to the smallest movements you make daily, chances are, you have your shoulders engaged during most, if not all, of them. This frequent use of the shoulder combined with its wide range of motion makes the
Read MoreWhat Life is Like After Elbow Joint Replacement Surgery
Elbow joint replacement is usually recommended for patients with severe arthritis or traumatic injury that is causing chronic pain and limited range of motion. The goal of the procedure is to replace damaged bone and cartilage with an artificial implant made from metal, plastic, ceramic, or composite material to reduce pain and restore mobility in
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