If you experience shoulder pain after going to the gym, there is a good chance your gym routine may be to blame. Going to the gym may be helping you achieve your goal of getting cut, losing weight, and getting strong, but if it’s hurting your shoulders, you are failing yourself. If any of the following are part of your gym routine, you may be hurting your shoulder.
Lifting Weights Above Your Head
Any time pressure is placed on a joint, it causes that joint to be vulnerable. Shoulders are no different. If you lift weights above your head on a regular basis and are experiencing shoulder pain, assume a connection between the two. Consider the Olympic lifts – the snatch and the clean and jerk. You have probably seen this on television or even at the gym – an elite athlete lifts enormous weights above the head and then dropping them suddenly. If this exercise is done properly and the person has built strength over time, the risk of injury is minimal. However, if done incorrectly or if the weights are too heavy, the lifting motion and sudden jerk that follows can wreak havoc on your shoulders. If you do lift weights over your head, be sure to build up slowly, with proper coaching, spotting and support gear.
Behind the Neck Pull Ups or Pull Downs
The behind the neck pulldown is a common exercise that most people can do easily. It involves sitting down and pulling weights down and behind the neck. While this exercise is great for your arms and builds strength, the pressure can damage your shoulders. Pull-ups behind the neck are a little more difficult to do but run the same risk of damaging your shoulders. Any exercise that makes the shoulder joint vulnerable can potentially cause shoulder damage. Again, exercise caution. Use manageable weights, have a good coach and spotter, and know your limitations and build slowly on them.
Outside the Weight Room
Your gym might have a climbing wall, pull-up bar, racquetball court or even a swimming pool. Whether climbing, pulling up, playing sports like racquetball or handball, or swimming lap after lap, be mindful of overuse activities that affect your shoulder, especially dislocations and rotator cuff injuries. Technique is key, and you may want to consider “taping up” with wrap or KT Tape to ensure the shoulder stays protected and secure.
Overdoing It
Time is finite, and as much as any of us would love to spend 24/7 in the gym, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. This includes doing too much of the same exercises at a time, lifting too much weight during a session, or lacking variety in your workout routine. Your body can do a lot of cool things at the gym but it is not invincible. It’s important to pay attention to your body when you work out. If you experience pain or aches beyond the typical “burn” while working out, you need to step back and evaluate what you are doing.
Developing a Good Routine
Gym trainers and physical therapists are professionals who know the dos and don’ts of working out at the gym. Whenever you start working out, it’s a good idea to discuss a workout routine with these professionals. If you are unsure whether your gym routine is causing your shoulder damage, you should speak to your doctor to determine if an underlying issue exists that needs to be addressed outside of the gym.
The experts at Advanced Bone & Joint specialize in musculoskeletal care by providing personalized attention and innovative treatment to promote wellness. If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or any other musculoskeletal issue, they would love to help you! Call (636) 229-4222 or request an appointment online today.