The two most common forms of knee arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, although other forms may affect your knees, as well. While there are many treatments available for arthritis, not every treatment is suitable for every patient. An orthopedic doctor treats arthritis based on its severity and how it impacts your life. Mild Arthritis
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Common Conditions of Foot and Ankle Pain
Your feet and ankles have a very important function. They keep you balanced and mobile. Don’t feel guilty about being extra careful with them since you rely on them a lot and any issues that may develop can affect your balance and mobility. So, whenever you feel pain in your foot and ankle, you shouldn’t
Read MoreCurrent Trends in Pain Management
Anyone with chronic pain knows all too well that it can be difficult to find long-term relief from symptoms. Patients who have chronic pain are at high risk of developing a dependence on prescription pain medication, which they rely on for relief. While pain medication helps relieve pain, it does not get to the heart
Read MoreDegenerative Joint Disease of the Spine
As we get older, we can expect inevitable pains here and there. One of the most common diseases that can develop with age is degenerative joint disease of the spine, also called spinal osteoarthritis. Usually called just “arthritis” because it is the most common form of the disease, osteoarthritis causes the wearing down of the
Read MoreNerve Block Frequency
Many people who suffer from severe and chronic pain can benefit from nerve blocks administered by an orthopedist. A nerve block is an injection of an anesthetic and steroid into the area surrounding the affected nerve. This method effectively places medication directly around the nerve to minimize your pain. A great number of patients with
Read MoreFoot Pain Management Options
You would never think of driving your car on a flat tire, or in the snow if your tires were bald. Like your car’s tires, your feet are where your rubber soles meet the road, so why would you not seek out treatment for your feet if you are feeling pain or have suffered an
Read MoreIs the Pain Down Your Leg Caused by Sciatica?
Are you experiencing lower back pain in the lumbar region of your spine, or pain that radiates down into your lower extremity, such as your thigh or down the leg? If you describe these symptoms to your doctor, they may consider this to be a medical condition called sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the longest
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